3 - Receiving Messages

Messages sent from a network server to an end device are referred to as downlinks. These are sent to the end device via a single gateway. If there are multiple gateways near a device, the network server will select the most suitable gateway to broadcast from. This means the end device does not need to consider de-duping.

Devices operating in Class A mode only receive downlinks during the receive windows opened following an uplink, as described in the section Opening Receive Windows of the Sending Messages Book.

Devices that support Class B mode as well as Class A can receive additional downlinks in receive windows opened at fixed time slots. Read more about Class B mode in the Class B Book.

Devices that support Class C mode as well as Class A can receive additional downlinks at any time. Read more in the Class C: Continuously Listening for Downlinks book.


Fix link

In this book, you learn how to receive and handle downlink packets using the LoRaWAN® 1.0.4 specification.


Messages sent from a network server to an end device are referred to as downlinks. These are sent to the end device via a single gateway. If there are multiple gateways near a device, the network server will select the most suitable gateway to broadcast from. This means the end device does not need to consider de-duping.

Devices operating in Class A mode only receive downlinks during the receive windows opened following an uplink, as described in the section Opening Receive Windows of the Sending Messages Book.

Devices that support Class B mode as well as Class A can receive additional downlinks in receive windows opened at fixed time slots. Read more about Class B mode in the Class B Book.

Devices that support Class C mode as well as Class A can receive additional downlinks at any time. Read more in the Class C: Continuously Listening for Downlinks book.

In this book, you learn how to receive and handle downlink packets using the LoRaWAN® 1.0.4 specification.

Types of Downlinks

Downlinks may include one or both of the following types of information:

  • MAC commands and MAC command acknowledgements used for LoRAWAN® network administration.

  • Application-specific settings used to modify internal settings on an end device.

    Unlike MAC commands, the format of these messages and the code to implement the changes are designed and managed by you, the device manufacturer. For example, you could allow users to alter the timings at which readings are transmitted. If your device has multiple sensors, offering the option to enable or disable specific sensors can optimize battery usage and provide end users with the flexibility to focus on the sensors that are most relevant to their needs.

A downlink message also contains bit fields (which are always included and can be set to either on or off) that send the following information:

  • Confirmation of receipt of a confirmed downlink message received from the end device. Confirmed downlinks are a type of downlink that requires a response from the end device.

  • Indication that there is more data to be sent down from the network server.

  • Communication that the network server can manage network settings via adaptive data rate (ADR).