1 - End Device Activation

This book covers LoRaWAN® end-device activation in depth.


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Over-the-Air Activation (OTAA) Device Provisioning

Step 4: End Device Sends First Uplink

The end device can now send the first uplink using the new session keys, with FCntUp set to its new value of 0. Learn how to send uplinks in the book Sending Messages.

It is recommended that the very first message sent contains information about the device, including the firmware revision. Read more advice about the first uplink in our paper Developing LoRaWAN-based Devices: Things to Know, Firmware Version and Status Advertising in Frame 0.


If your end device uses Class C, the network server will not begin sending downlinks until it first receives an uplink from the end device. The device should therefore immediately send an uplink that requires a server acknowledgement - a confirmed uplink, for example. Continue to send this message, respecting duty cycle and retransmission guidelines, until the corresponding downlink is received from the network server.

If the end device has sent the message the number of times defined by the variable ADR_ACK_LIMIT and still not received a response, begin the process of joining again by sending another Join Request. The value for ADR_ACK_LIMIT is defined as 64 in Section 2.3, ‘Default Settings’ (page 27) of the RP002-1.0.4 LoRaWAN® Regional Parameters specification.

Read more about completing the join procedure for Class C devices in the section entitled ‘Remedy #3: Rapid key confirmation’ (page 9) of the document Technical Recommendations for Preventing State Synchronization Issues around LoRaWAN® 1.0.x Join Procedure.