2 - Sending Messages

Messages sent from an end device to a network server via one or more nearby gateways are referred to as uplinks.

In this book, you learn the rules and best practices to follow when sending uplinks from your end device using the LoRaWAN® 1.0.4 specification.

Sending MAC Commands

Link Adaptive Data Rate (ADR) Answer (LinkADRAns)

The end device sends the LinkADRAns command in response to the LinkADRReq command. The LinkADRReq command is sent by the network server to request adjustments to an end device’s data rate, transmission output power, channels used for uplink access, and the number of transmissions made per uplink frame.

Full details of how to handle the LinkADRReq command, make the relevant updates and details of the LinkADRAns command structure can be found in section Processing the LinkADRReq MAC Command of the Adaptive Data Rate Book.