1 - End Device Activation

This book covers LoRaWAN® end-device activation in depth.


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End Device Activation Best Practices

The key best practices referenced in this book are listed here for your reference:

  • Do not implement ABP, but if you must, also support OTAA.

  • Use the DevEUI supplied by the radio module manufacturer or obtain a valid, globally unique DevEUI that you own.

  • If you use a separate join server, you must use the JoinEUI provided by that join server; otherwise, use a single EUI that you own as the JoinEUI for all your devices.

  • Generate the AppKey by following advice on secure root key generation.

  • Select an approach to prevent the Join Accept relay attack, as described in section ‘Check the Join Nonce to Prevent Join Accept Replay Attacks’ of the Step 3D: End Device Handles Join Accept chapter.

  • Print a QR code to attach to the end device containing the DevEUI and JoinEUI. Never include the AppKey (for OTAA) or NwkSKey / AppSKey (for ABP) in this QR code.

  • To ensure that a power cycle does not require the device to rejoin, store the AppSKey, NwkSKey, last used DevNonce, and any JoinNonce values in non-volatile memory (NVM). If you use ABP, also store FCntUp in NVM.