Install ChirpStack Locally

  1. Install Docker Desktop if it is not already installed.

  2. Open Docker.


    If you are using Windows, and see a Hyper-V error, make sure Hyper-V is enabled, then reboot and relaunch Docker. If you still see an error, enable virtualization in the BIOS.

  3. If you are using Linux or macOS, open Terminal; if you are using Windows, open PowerShell. Do not run as administrator.


    docker --version

    Verify that a version number is logged out to the terminal. This confirms that your installation was successful and Docker is ready to use.

  4. Enter the following to clone the ChirpStack Docker Compose example:

  5. Move into the chirpstack-docker directory by entering:

    cd chirpstack-docker
  6. Start the server by running the command:

    docker-compose up

    On Windows, click Share it on any security popups you see.

    Wait until the logging stops.


    Run this command whenever you restart your computer to start the ChirpStack Docker environment.

  7. Open a browser and visit http:://

    You should see the ChirpStack login screen.

  8. Sign in with the default username admin and password admin.

You have now tested the Docker Compose installation and have a local version of ChirpStack running. The following sections detail deployment on AWS and Azure.


If you would like to connect your gateway to this instance of the network server, instead of continuing to install AWS or Azure, you need to locate the internal IP address of your machine and ensure that ports 8080 and 1883 are open and accessible.

On Linux, you can find your IP address by entering the hostname -I command into Terminal.

On macOS, you can find your IP address in System Preferences by choosing Network and viewing the IP address shown in the Status section.

On Windows, you can find your IP address by entering the ipconfig command into Command Prompt, and checking the listed IPv4 Address in the output.

We refer to this IP address later as CHIRPSTACK_IP_ADDRESS.