Radio Propagation

We've heard before that a LoRa message can travel for several kilometers. Let's take a closer look at this. In the following video, we discuss the maximum theoretical distance that a LoRa message can travel through the air.

(Time: 16:53 minutes)

Wireless Reach in Reality

In this video, we move from theory to practice with a discussion of how the placement and surroundings of both your devices and gateways impact the quality and range of your signal.

(Time: 14:25 minutes)


LoRa Radio Modulation

Now, let's have a closer look at the LoRa modulation technology itself.

(Time: 11:41 minutes)

LoRaWAN Scalability

Next, we’ll explore the scalability aspects of LoRaWAN in more depth and discuss spreading factors, Adaptive Data Rate (ADR) functionality, ISM bands, and packet collisions.

(Time: 10:05 minutes)


Gateway Antennas

The antennas attached to the gateways on your LoRaWAN network can have quite an impact on the range of the signal. Fortunately, this is something we can impact directly.

(Time: 4:29 minutes)

Last modified: Monday, February 6, 2023, 9:38 PM